
Gases & Dry Ice

At Linde Canada, we believe the right gas can help you do more than run an application. It can promise more uptime, lower long-term costs, raise productivity and increase operational flexibility — so you can do more with less. Explore the pure gases, mixtures we offer and start getting more done today.


Delivering a wide range of synthetic and compressed air cylinder options to meet your varied needs


Supporting a wide range of shielding, blanketing and inerting applications with argon in the desired commercial purity grades

Dry Ice

We offer solid carbon dioxide (CO2) dry ice in concentrations higher than 99%.

Fuel Gases

Various gases such as acetylene, natural gas, propane, propylene and hydrogen can be used as a fuel for cutting and welding, heat treatment, as power and energy for transportation and combined with oxygen, for various industrial processes.

Gas Mixtures

At Linde, we can offer the flexibility of supplying customized gas mixtures to the industries we serve. And with decades of experience in producing mixtures, we apply all the highest safety and quality standards to every blend we create.


Building and operating air separators the world over to meet industry demand for nitrogen.


Compressed oxygen gas and liquid oxygen (O2) in a variety of purities and concentrations.

Gas Mixtures

We know that a single pure gas is not always what your application needs. That’s why our experienced chemists and engineers work hard to prepare and certify our line of specialty gas mixtures. And through our experience, we have developed a series of purification techniques to remove critical impurities in our blends to make them as effective and stable as possible.

Specialty Gases

More than just an established leader in the manufacture and distribution of atmospheric, process, and specialty gases and equipment – Linde Canada helps customers maximize their economic performance while minimizing their environmental impact.